OPENS MAY 1, 2024

Final Forms allows you to complete and e-sign enrollment, back-to-school and athletic participation forms for your students. Documents can also be uploaded to your student’s profile. In person proof of identity will be required before enrollment can be completed. Call Gail Rowe at 740-259-6642 to set up date and time to present your proof.
Already have a Final Forms account with Valley Schools? Go directly to your Final Forms Log-in.
Already have a Final Forms account with Valley Schools and need to enroll a new student? Go to Final Forms Log-in and click the add student button.
What if I don’t have a computer?
If you don’t have a computer, you can complete your forms from a smart phone or tablet. If that’s not an option for you, please contact Gail Rowe at 740-259-6642 or
What if I don’t have an email address?
An email address is required for Final Forms. You can create a free email account with Google, Yahoo! or any other email service you choose. Contact Gail Rowe at 740-259-6642 for assistance with that process, if necessary.
Kindergarten Registration
The following documents are required to register a student for kindergarten at Valley Elementary. Documents may be uploaded to Final Forms or hand delivered. In person proof of identity will be required before enrollment can be completed. In person proof of identity will be required before enrollment can be completed. Call 740-259-6642 to set up date and time to present your proof.
Birth Certificate issued from Health Department (Hospital record of birth is not acceptable.)
Social Security Card
Immunization Records
Custody Papers (if applicable)
Parent/Guardian ID
Proof of Residency (Current utility bill, rental agreement, etc.)

Preschool Registration
The following documents and forms are required to register a student for the preschool program at Valley Elementary. Required forms are available in Final Forms. Documents and forms may be uploaded to Final Forms or hand delivered. In person proof of identity will be required before enrollment can be completed. You will be notified of date and time to present your proof.
Only those children whose applications are complete (contain all required documents listed below) will be considered for preschool. Applications that lack any documents pertaining to the child’s circumstance will be on hold until all required documents are provided. Parents/guardians are encouraged to complete their child’s application ASAP for a better chance at acceptance into this 5 Star Program.
Birth Certificate issued from Health Department (Hospital record of birth is not acceptable.)
Social Security Card
Immunization Records
Custody Papers (if applicable)
Parent/Guardian ID
Proof of Residency (Current utility bill, rental agreement, etc.)
Proof of Household Income (2-3 pay stubs per person within past 90 days)
ECE Eligibility Screening Tool (Every applicant must complete)
Early Childhood Experiences
Parent Permission/Agreement
Physical Exam (Not due until September 15th, but can be turned in early)
For further assistance, please contact Gail Rowe at 740-259-6642 or