In accordance with Ohio law, Valley Local School District is required to report Ohio’s State Test results to parents/guardians of currently enrolled students.  You may now access your student’s 2024 test scores by logging in to your Progressbook Parent account and selecting Assessment Scores under the Student Information section in the menu on the left.  Progressbook can be found under the Parent tab of the district’s web site at

The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce will no longer be mailing detailed parent reports to each student’s home.  If you would like a copy of this report and do not have access to technology, please contact the guidance department in your student’s building by email.

If you do not have a Progressbook parent account, please contact Ryan Hawk by email at

What does this mean for my student?

Grades 3-8

Currently, students in grades 3 - 8 take the following tests:


language arts



Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8


Why do students in grades 3 - 8 take these tests?

State achievement tests tell us how well our students are growing in the knowledge and skills outlined in Ohio’s Learning Standards. These tests help guide and strengthen future teaching so we can be sure that we are preparing our students for long-term success in school, college, careers and life. Test results also allow citizens to know how their local schools are performing compared to others around the state. 

Grades 9 - 12

According to current Ohio law, students in grades 9 - 12 are required to take End-of-Course (EOC) exams and achieve a passing score or a minimum score as shown below.  These tests are part of Ohio’s current graduation requirements.

Grade Level


Passing Score

Competency Score


Algebra I




English Language Arts II



9 or 10

Biology *



American History **






American Government **


Students are required to achieve a minimum score of 684 on both the Algebra I and English Language Arts II EOC exams to be considered competent to graduate.  Retests will be available for students who score below a 684 on both exams.

Grade levels will vary depending on when a student completes the course associated with the EOC exam.  The schedule above is typical for a Valley High School student.  Students who move in or have a different course completion schedule may take a class and the related EOC exam during a different year of their high school career.

* Students who score 700 or above on the Biology EOC exam will earn a Science Seal.

** Students who score 700 or above on both the American History and American Government EOC exam will earn a Citizenship Seal.